APRIL 8, 2009
Senior Citizens, Gale Free Library, Recreation/After School Funds, Cable Revolving Fund, Growth Management, Solid Waste Enterprise Fund, Inspection Revolving Fund, Veteran's Services, Historic Commission Budget Review
Members Present: Al Berg, Paul Challenger, Peter Lacy, Jim Dunn, Rick Bates, Glenn Gaudette, Don Mancini, Marilynn Foley
Also Present: Brian Bullock, Town Manager, Jacquie Kelly, Assistant Town Manager, Louise Charbonneau, Senior Center Director, Jane Dutton, Library Director, Denise Morano, Recreation Director, Johnny Suire, Holden Cable Director, Dennis Lipka, Director of Growth Management, Celeste Duffy, Library Board of Trustees, Larry Popple, Cable Committee, Selectman, Joe Sullivan, Kim Ferguson.
The meeting was called to order at 7:05.
The Senior Center Director reviewed her budget and answered questions. She also talked about the December ice storm and that the Center was used as an emergency shelter. She also discussed the outreach program for seniors that are in their homes.
Paul recused himself during the Library budget discussion (his wife is a library employee).
The Library Director passed out a fact sheet about library usage. She discussed her budget and answered questions.
Paul returned at 7:38.
The Recreation Director read a brief statement to the Committee about the recreation/after school programs. She reviewed her budget and answered questions.
The Cable Director reviewed his budget and answered questions.
The Growth Management Director reviewed his budget and the budgets of the Solid Waste Enterprise Fund and Inspection Revolving Fund. He explained to the Committee the need for a Conservation Agent. He answered questions.
The Town Manager reviewed the Veteran's and Historical Commission budgets and answered questions.
A motion by Paul 2nd by Peter to accept the minutes of March 31, 2009 was voted unanimously as amended.
A motion by Rick 2nd by Jim to accept the minutes of April 1, 2009 was voted unanimously as amended.
Al asked the Committee to think about what to do with excess surplus and bring ideas to the next meeting.
Rick discussed a motion made at a recent Selectmen's meeting regarding the possibility of taking the CRA property by eminent domain. Rick stated that at this time there appears that there is insufficient information to move forward and that there have been some discussions between trustees of the CRA and private organizations regarding the future of the site. Rick remains neutral on this matter pending further information.
The meeting adjourned at 9:37.
Respectfully Submitted,
Marilynn Foley, Clerk